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Non-hierarchical clustering consists in creating groups of objects (called clusters) while maximizing (or minimizing) an evaluating metric. Contrarily to hierarchical clustering, the partition obtained is not nested. All functions in bioregion relying on non-hierarchical clustering start with the prefix nhclu_.
In biogeography, non-hierarchical clustering is usually applied to identify clusters of sites having similar species compositions. These clusters are then called bioregions.
Non-hierarchical clustering takes place on the very right-hand size part of the bioregion conceptual diagram:

Although these methods are conceptually simple, their implementation can be complex and requires important choices on the part of the user. In the following, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to do non-hierarchical clustering analyses with bioregion. Such analysis usually has the following steps.

1. Construct a dissimilarity matrix
To initiate the non-hierarchical clustering procedure, we first need to provide pairwise distances between sites.

2. Clustering Non-hierarchical algorithms rely on a user-defined number of clusters. Once this number is defined, users can chose among the 3 functions provided in bioregion to perform non-hierarchical clustering. These functions are based on centroid-based algorithms (Kmeans and PAM ) or density-based algorithms (DBSCAN).

3. Determining the optimal number of clusters
The two functions partition_metrics() and find_optimal_n() help determining what the optimal number of clusters would be (see Section 4 of this vignette).

1. Dissimilarity indices

Pairwise distances between sites can be obtained by running dissimilarity() on a site-species matrix.

In the example below, we use the fish dataset from the package to compute distance metrics.


# It is a presence/absence matrix with sites in rows and species in columns
fishmat[1:3, 1:3]
##          Abramis brama Alburnus alburnus Barbatula barbatula
## Aa                   1                 1                   1
## Abula                0                 0                   0
## Acheloos             0                 0                   0

We are going to compute the βsim\beta_{sim} diversity metric, which is a presence-absence dissimilarity index. The formula is as follows:
βsim=min(b,c)/(a+min(b,c))\beta_{sim} = min(b, c) / (a+min(b, c))

Where a is the number of species shared by both sites; b is the number of species occurring only in the first site; and c is the number of species only occurring only in the second site.

We typically choose this metric for bioregionalisation, because it is the turnover component of the Sorensen index (Baselga, 2012) (in a nutshell, it tells us how sites are different because they have distinct species), and because it has less dependence on species richness than the Jaccard turnover (Leprieur & Oikonomou, 2014).
The choice of the distance metric is very important for the outcome of the clustering procedure, so we recommend that you choose carefully depending on your research question.

dissim <- dissimilarity(fishmat, metric = "Simpson")

dissim[1:3, ]
## Data.frame of dissimilarity between sites
##  - Total number of sites:  338 
##  - Total number of species:  195 
##  - Number of rows:  56953 
##  - Number of dissimilarity metrics:  1 
##   Site1    Site2   Simpson
## 2    Aa    Abula 0.3333333
## 3    Aa Acheloos 1.0000000
## 4    Aa    Adige 0.7692308

By default, only the Simpson index is computed, but other options are available in the metric argument of dissimilarity(). Furthermore, users can also write down their own formula to compute any index they wish for in the argument formula, see ?dissimilarity().

We are now ready to start the non-hierarchical clustering procedure with the object dissim we have just created. Alternatively, you can also use other types of objects such as a distance matrix object (class dist) or a data.frame of your own crafting (make sure to read the required format carefully as explained in the help of each function).

2. Centroid-based clustering

The core idea of these algorithms is to place points into the cluster for which a central-point is the closest. This central-point can either be the centroid of the cluster, i.e. the mean of the x and y coordinates of all the points belonging to the cluster, or the medoid. The medoid is the most centrally located data point in the cluster, or in other words the least dissimilar point to all points in the cluster.

The objective is then to minimize the sum of squared distances between points and the assigned centroids/medoids.

2.1. Kmeans

K-means clustering is perhaps the most famous method of non-hierarchical clustering. It uses centroids of clusters.
This algorithm usually follows an iterative framework such as:

  1. An initialization step creates k centroids with random placements.

  2. For every point, its Euclidean distance with all the centroids is calculated. Each point is then assigned to its nearest centroid. The points assigned to the same centroid form a cluster.

  3. Once clusters are formed, new centroids for each cluster are calculated by taking the mean of the x and y coordinates of all the points belonging to the cluster.

  4. A re-assignment step then calculates new centroids based on the membership of each cluster. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the solution converges, i.e. when the centroid positions no longer change.

Finding an optimal solution to K-means is computationally intensive and their implementation rely on efficient heuristic algorithms to quickly converge to a local optimum.

The k-means algorithm can become ‘stuck’ in local optima. Repeating the clustering algorithm and adding noise to the data can help evaluate the robustness of the solution.

The function to compute K-means clustering in bioregion is nhclu_kmeans(). We here illustrate how the functions works with an example applied on the dissimilarity matrix calculated above.
We chose 3 clusters.

All the above steps come with arguments that can be tweaked. Specifically, iter_max determines the maximum number of iterations allowed (i.e. how many times the steps described above are run) and nstart specifies how many random sets of n_clust should be selected as starting points.
Several heuristic algorithms can also be used along with the K-means method and this can be parameterized using the algorithm argument. By default, the algorithm of Hartigan-Wong (Hartigan & Wong (1979)) is used.

Let’s start by setting both iter_max and nstart to 1.

ex_kmeans <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, index = "Simpson", n_clust = 3, iter_max = 1,
                          nstart = 1, algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")

When asking for one iteration only, the function displays a message saying that the algorithm did not converge.
We therefore need to increase the value of iter_max.

ex_kmeans <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, index = "Simpson", n_clust = 3, iter_max = 3,
                          nstart = 1, algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")

Like for all other functions of the bioregion package, the class of the object is specific for the package (here bioregion.clusters) and it contains several parts. The clusters assigned to each site are accessible in the $clusters part of the output:

ex_kmeans$clusters[1:3, ]
##                ID K_3
## Aa             Aa   3
## Abula       Abula   1
## Acheloos Acheloos   2
##   1   2   3 
## 142  93 103

Here, we see that 142 sites are assigned to cluster 1, 93 to cluster 2 and 103 to cluster 3.

This assignment can change depending on the two other main arguments of the functions, iter_max and nstart.

ex_kmeans2 <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, index = "Simpson", n_clust = 3,
                           iter_max = 100, nstart = 1,
                           algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")

ex_kmeans3 <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, index = "Simpson", n_clust = 3,
                           iter_max = 3, nstart = 100,
                           algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")

As shown below, the distribution of sites among the three clusters appears quite homogeneous with our three examples but some discrepancies emerge.

table(ex_kmeans$clusters$K_3, ex_kmeans2$clusters$K_3)
##       1   2   3
##   1   1  12 129
##   2  77  16   0
##   3   0   9  94
table(ex_kmeans$clusters$K_3, ex_kmeans3$clusters$K_3)
##       1   2   3
##   1 111  29   2
##   2   0   0  93
##   3   0 102   1

Overall, increasing iter_max and nstart increases the chances of convergence of the algorithm but also increases the computation time.

2.2. K-medoids

Instead of using the mean of the cluster, the medoid can also be used to partition the data points.

In comparison with the centroid used for K-means, the medoid is less sensitive to outliers in the data. These partitions can also use other types of distances and do not have to rely on the Euclidean distance only.

Several heuristics exist to solve the K-medoids problem, the most famous ones being the Partition Around Medoids (PAM), and its extensions CLARA and CLARANS.

2.2.1. Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM)

PAM is a fast heuristic to find a solution to the k-medoids problem. With k clusters, it decomposes following these steps:
1. Randomly pick k points as initial medoids

  1. Assign each point to the nearest medoid x

  2. Calculate the objective function (the sum of dissimilarities of all points to their nearest medoids)

  3. Randomly select a point y

  4. Swap x by y if the swap reduces the objective function

  5. Repeat 3-6 until no change

In the nhclu_pam() function, there are several arguments to tweak. The number of clusters n_clust has to be defined as well as the number of starting positions for the medoids nstart.
Several variants of the PAM algorithm are available and can be changed with the argument variant (see cluster::pam() for more details).

ex_pam <- nhclu_pam(dissim, index = "Simpson", n_clust = 2:25, nstart = 1,
                    variant = "faster", cluster_only = FALSE)
##   1   2 
## 258  80

With 2 clusters, we see that 258 sites are assigned to cluster 1 and 80 to cluster 2.

2.2.2. Clustering Large Applications (CLARA)

CLARA (Clustering Large Applications, (Kaufman and Rousseeuw 1990)) is an extension of the k-medoids (PAM) methods to deal with data containing a large number of objects (more than several thousand observations) in order to reduce the computational time and the RAM storage problem. This is achieved by using the sampling approach.

ex_clara <- nhclu_clara(dissim, index = "Simpson",
                        n_clust = 5,
                        maxiter = 0L, initializer = "LAB", fasttol = 1,
                        numsamples = 5L, sampling = 0.25, independent = FALSE,
                        seed = 123456789L)
##   1   2   3   4   5 
## 241  21  16  50  10

2.2.3. Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search (CLARANS)

CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search, (Ng and Han 2002)) is an extension of the k-medoids (PAM) methods combined with the CLARA algorithm.

ex_clarans <- nhclu_clarans(dissim, index = "Simpson",
                        n_clust = 5,
                        numlocal = 2L, maxneighbor = 0.025,
                        seed = 123456789L)
##   1   2   3   4   5 
## 241  21  16  50  10

3. Density-based clustering

Density-based clustering is another type of non-hierarchical clustering. It connects areas of high density into clusters. This allows for arbitrary-shaped distributions as long as dense areas can be connected. These algorithms can however have difficulty with data of varying densities and high dimensions.


Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) (Hahsler et al. (2019)) is the most famous density-based clustering approach.
It operates by locating points in the dataset that are surrounded by a significant number of other points. These points are regarded to be part of a dense zone, and the algorithm will next attempt to extend this region to encompass all of the cluster’s points.

DBSCAN uses the two following parameters:

Epsilon (eps): the maximum distance between two points to be considered as neighboring points (belonging to the same cluster).

Minimum Points (minPts): The minimum number of neighboring points that a given point needs to be considered a core data point. This includes the point itself. For example, if minimum number of points is set to 4, then a given point needs to have 3 or more neighboring data points to be considered a core data point.

If minimum number of points meet the epsilon distance requirement then they are considered as a cluster.

Having set these two parameters, the algorithm works like this:

  1. Decide the value of eps and minPts.

  2. For each point: Calculate its distance from all other points. If the distance is less than or equal to eps then mark that point as a neighbor of x. If the point gets a neighboring count greater than or equal to minPts, then mark it as a core point or visited.

  3. For each core point, if it not already assigned to a cluster than create a new cluster. Recursively find all its neighboring points and assign them the same cluster as the core point.

  4. Continue these steps until all the unvisited points are covered.

This algorithm can be called with the function nhclu_dbscan(). If the user does not define the two arguments presented above, minPts and eps, then the function will provide a knee curve helping the search of an optimal eps value.

ex_dbscan <- nhclu_dbscan(dissim, index = "Simpson", minPts = NULL, eps = NULL,
                          plot = TRUE)
## Trying to find a knee in the curve to search for an optimal eps value...
##        NOTE: this automatic identification of the knee may not work properly
##        if the curve has knees and elbows. Please adjust eps manually by
##        inspecting the curve, identifying a knee as follows:
##                            /
##                  curve    /
##               ___________/  <- knee
##   elbow ->   /
##             /
##            /

Here, we see that we can set eps to 1.

ex_dbscan2 <- nhclu_dbscan(dissim, index = "Simpson", minPts = NULL, eps = 1,
                           plot = FALSE)

With this set of parameters, we only get one cluster.

##   1 
## 338

If we decrease the eps value and increase minPts, we can get more clusters.

ex_dbscan3 <- nhclu_dbscan(dissim, index = "Simpson", minPts = 4, eps = 0.5,
                           plot = FALSE)

## < table of extent 0 >

4. Affinity propagation

This algorithm is based on the paper of Frey & Dueck (2007) and relies on the R package apcluster

Unlike the previous algorithms in this vignette, this algorithm and its associated function use a similarity matrix.

# Similarity matrix
sim <- dissimilarity_to_similarity(dissim)

# Algorithm
clust1 <- nhclu_affprop(sim)

5. Optimal number of clusters

Previous methods did not help in determining the optimal number of bioregions structuring the site-species matrix.

For this purpose, we can combine both functions partition_metrics() and find_optimal().

partition_metrics() calcultes several metrics based on the previous clustering attempts.

partition_metrics(ex_pam, dissimilarity = dissim,
                  eval_metric = "pc_distance")
## Partition metrics:
##  - 24  partition(s) evaluated
##  - Range of clusters explored: from  2  to  25 
##  - Requested metric(s):  pc_distance 
##  - Metric summary:
##      pc_distance
## Min    0.5464742
## Mean   0.8022971
## Max    0.8949633
## Access the data.frame of metrics with your_object$evaluation_df

*Note For the two metrics tot_endemism and avg_endemism, you also need to provide the site-species matrix.

a <- partition_metrics(ex_pam, dissimilarity = dissim, net = fishdf,
                       species_col = "Species", site_col = "Site",
                       eval_metric = c("tot_endemism", "avg_endemism",
                                       "pc_distance", "anosim"))

Once the partition_metrics() function has calculated the partitioning metrics, we can call find_optimal() to get the optimal number of clusters.

## [1] "tot_endemism" "avg_endemism" "pc_distance"  "anosim"
## Number of partitions: 24
## Searching for potential optimal number(s) of clusters based on the elbow method
##    * elbow found at:
## tot_endemism 4
## avg_endemism 4
## pc_distance 7
## anosim 2
## Plotting results...

## Search for an optimal number of clusters:
##  - 24  partition(s) evaluated
##  - Range of clusters explored: from  2  to  25 
##  - Evaluated metric(s):  tot_endemism avg_endemism pc_distance anosim 
## Potential optimal partition(s):
##  - Criterion chosen to optimise the number of clusters:  elbow 
##  - Optimal partition(s) of clusters for each metric:
## tot_endemism - 4
## avg_endemism - 4
## pc_distance - 7
## anosim - 2

Based on the metric selected, the optimal number of clusters can vary.


Baselga, A. (2012). The relationship between species replacement, dissimilarity derived from nestedness, and nestedness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(12), 1223–1232.
Frey, B., & Dueck, D. (2007). Clustering by passing messages between data points. Science, 315, 972–976.
Hahsler, M., Piekenbrock, M., & Doran, D. (2019). Dbscan: Fast density-based clustering with r. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(1).
Hartigan, J. A., & Wong, M. A. (1979). Algorithm AS 136: A k-means clustering algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series c (Applied Statistics), 28(1), 100–108.
Leprieur, F., & Oikonomou, A. (2014). The need for richness-independent measures of turnover when delineating biogeographical regions. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 417–420.