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This function calculates metrics for one or several bioregionalizations, typically based on outputs from netclu_, hclu_, or nhclu_ functions. Some metrics may require users to provide either a similarity or dissimilarity matrix, or the initial species-site table.


  dissimilarity = NULL,
  dissimilarity_index = NULL,
  net = NULL,
  site_col = 1,
  species_col = 2,
  eval_metric = "all"



A bioregion.clusters object.


A dist object or a bioregion.pairwise.metric object (output from similarity_to_dissimilarity()). Required if eval_metric includes "pc_distance" and tree is not a bioregion.hierar.tree object.


A character string indicating the dissimilarity (beta-diversity) index to use if dissimilarity is a data.frame with multiple dissimilarity indices.


The site-species network (i.e., bipartite network). Should be provided as a data.frame if eval_metric includes "avg_endemism" or "tot_endemism".


The name or index of the column representing site nodes (i.e., primary nodes). Should be provided if eval_metric includes "avg_endemism" or "tot_endemism".


The name or index of the column representing species nodes (i.e., feature nodes). Should be provided if eval_metric includes "avg_endemism" or "tot_endemism".


A character vector or a single character string indicating the metric(s) to be calculated to assess the effect of different numbers of clusters. Available options are "pc_distance", "anosim", "avg_endemism", or "tot_endemism". If "all" is specified, all metrics will be calculated.


A list of class bioregion.bioregionalization.metrics with two to three elements:

  • args: Input arguments.

  • evaluation_df: A data.frame containing the eval_metric values for all explored numbers of clusters.

  • endemism_results: If endemism calculations are requested, a list with the endemism results for each bioregionalization.


Evaluation metrics:

  • pc_distance: This metric, as used by Holt et al. (2013), is the ratio of the between-cluster sum of dissimilarities (beta-diversity) to the total sum of dissimilarities for the full dissimilarity matrix. It is calculated in two steps:

    • Compute the total sum of dissimilarities by summing all elements of the dissimilarity matrix.

    • Compute the between-cluster sum of dissimilarities by setting within-cluster dissimilarities to zero and summing the matrix. The pc_distance ratio is obtained by dividing the between-cluster sum of dissimilarities by the total sum of dissimilarities.

  • anosim: This metric is the statistic used in the Analysis of Similarities, as described in Castro-Insua et al. (2018). It compares between-cluster and within-cluster dissimilarities. The statistic is computed as: R = (r_B - r_W) / (N (N-1) / 4), where r_B and r_W are the average ranks of between-cluster and within-cluster dissimilarities, respectively, and N is the total number of sites. Note: This function does not estimate significance; for significance testing, use vegan::anosim().

  • avg_endemism: This metric is the average percentage of endemism in clusters, as recommended by Kreft & Jetz (2010). It is calculated as: End_mean = sum_i (E_i / S_i) / K, where E_i is the number of endemic species in cluster i, S_i is the number of species in cluster i, and K is the total number of clusters.

  • tot_endemism: This metric is the total endemism across all clusters, as recommended by Kreft & Jetz (2010). It is calculated as: End_tot = E / C, where E is the total number of endemic species (i.e., species found in only one cluster) and C is the number of non-endemic species.


Castro-Insua A, Gómez-Rodríguez C & Baselga A (2018) Dissimilarity measures affected by richness differences yield biased delimitations of biogeographic realms. Nature Communications 9, 9-11.

Holt BG, Lessard J, Borregaard MK, Fritz SA, Araújo MB, Dimitrov D, Fabre P, Graham CH, Graves GR, Jønsson Ka, Nogués-Bravo D, Wang Z, Whittaker RJ, Fjeldså J & Rahbek C (2013) An update of Wallace's zoogeographic regions of the world. Science 339, 74-78.

Kreft H & Jetz W (2010) A framework for delineating biogeographical regions based on species distributions. Journal of Biogeography 37, 2029-2053.

See also

For more details illustrated with a practical example, see the vignette:

Associated functions: compare_bioregionalizations find_optimal_n


Boris Leroy (
Maxime Lenormand (
Pierre Denelle (


comat <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 500, replace = TRUE, prob = 1/1:1001),
20, 25)
rownames(comat) <- paste0("Site",1:20)
colnames(comat) <- paste0("Species",1:25)

comnet <- mat_to_net(comat)

dissim <- dissimilarity(comat, metric = "all")

# User-defined number of clusters
tree1 <- hclu_hierarclust(dissim, 
                          n_clust = 10:15, 
                          index = "Simpson")
#> Building the iterative hierarchical consensus tree... Note that this process can take time especially if you have a lot of sites.
#> Final tree has a 0.5026 cophenetic correlation coefficient with the initial dissimilarity matrix
#> Determining the cut height to reach 10 groups...
#> --> 0.046875
#> Determining the cut height to reach 11 groups...
#> --> 0.0458984375
#> Determining the cut height to reach 12 groups...
#> --> 0.044921875
#> Determining the cut height to reach 13 groups...
#> --> 0.04296875
#> Determining the cut height to reach 14 groups...
#> --> 0.03125
#> Determining the cut height to reach 15 groups...
#> --> 0.015625
#> Clustering results for algorithm : hclu_hierarclust 
#> 	(hierarchical clustering based on a dissimilarity matrix)
#>  - Number of sites:  20 
#>  - Name of dissimilarity metric:  Simpson 
#>  - Tree construction method:  average 
#>  - Randomization of the dissimilarity matrix:  yes, number of trials 100 
#>  - Method to compute the final tree:  Iterative consensus hierarchical tree 
#>  - Cophenetic correlation coefficient:  0.503 
#>  - Number of clusters requested by the user:  10 
#> Clustering results:
#>  - Number of partitions:  6 
#>  - Partitions are hierarchical
#>  - Number of clusters:  10 11 12 13 14 15 
#>  - Height of cut of the hierarchical tree: 0.047 0.046 0.045 0.043 0.031 0.016 

a <- bioregionalization_metrics(tree1, 
                                dissimilarity = dissim, 
                                net = comnet,
                                site_col = "Node1", 
                                species_col = "Node2",
                                eval_metric = c("tot_endemism", 
#> Computing similarity-based metrics...
#>   - pc_distance OK
#>   - anosim OK
#> Computing composition-based metrics...
#>   - avg_endemism OK
#>   - tot_endemism OK
#> Partition metrics:
#>  - 6  partition(s) evaluated
#>  - Range of clusters explored: from  10  to  15 
#>  - Requested metric(s):  tot_endemism avg_endemism pc_distance anosim 
#>  - Metric summary:
#>      tot_endemism avg_endemism pc_distance    anosim
#> Min             0            0   0.9569718 0.7279354
#> Mean            0            0   0.9771741 0.8195701
#> Max             0            0   1.0000000 0.9725275
#> Access the data.frame of metrics with your_object$evaluation_df
#> Details of endemism % for each bioregionalization are available in 
#>         your_object$endemism_results