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This function aims to optimize one or several criteria on a set of ordered bioregionalizations. It is typically used to find one or more optimal cluster counts on hierarchical trees to cut or ranges of bioregionalizations from k-means or PAM. Users should exercise caution in other cases (e.g., unordered bioregionalizations or unrelated bioregionalizations).


  metrics_to_use = "all",
  criterion = "elbow",
  step_quantile = 0.99,
  step_levels = NULL,
  step_round_above = TRUE,
  metric_cutoffs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999),
  n_breakpoints = 1,
  plot = TRUE



A bioregion.bioregionalization.metrics object (output from bioregionalization_metrics()) or a data.frame with the first two columns named K (bioregionalization name) and n_clusters (number of clusters), followed by columns with numeric evaluation metrics.


A character vector or single string specifying metrics in bioregionalizations for calculating optimal clusters. Defaults to "all" (uses all metrics).


A character string specifying the criterion to identify optimal clusters. Options include "elbow", "increasing_step", "decreasing_step", "cutoff", "breakpoints", "min", or "max". Defaults to "elbow". See Details.


For "increasing_step" or "decreasing_step", specifies the quantile of differences between consecutive bioregionalizations as the cutoff to identify significant steps in eval_metric.


For "increasing_step" or "decreasing_step", specifies the number of largest steps to retain as cutoffs.


A boolean indicating whether the optimal clusters are above (TRUE) or below (FALSE) identified steps. Defaults to TRUE.


For criterion = "cutoff", specifies the cutoffs of eval_metric to extract cluster counts.


Specifies the number of breakpoints to find in the curve. Defaults to 1.


A boolean indicating if a plot of the first eval_metric with identified optimal clusters should be drawn.


A list of class bioregion.optimal.n with these elements:

  • args: Input arguments.

  • evaluation_df: The input evaluation data.frame, appended with boolean columns for optimal cluster counts.

  • optimal_nb_clusters: A list with optimal cluster counts for each metric in "metrics_to_use", based on the chosen criterion.

  • plot: The plot (if requested).


This function explores evaluation metric ~ cluster relationships, applying criteria to find optimal cluster counts.

Note on criteria: Several criteria can return multiple optimal cluster counts, emphasizing hierarchical or nested bioregionalizations. This approach aligns with modern recommendations for biological datasets, as seen in Ficetola et al. (2017)'s reanalysis of Holt et al. (2013).

Criteria for optimal clusters:

  • elbow: Identifies the "elbow" point in the evaluation metric curve, where incremental improvements diminish. Based on a method to find the maximum distance from a straight line linking curve endpoints.

  • increasing_step or decreasing_step: Highlights significant increases or decreases in metrics by analyzing pairwise differences between bioregionalizations. Users specify step_quantile or step_levels.

  • cutoffs: Derives clusters from specified metric cutoffs, e.g., as in Holt et al. (2013). Adjust cutoffs based on spatial scale.

  • breakpoints: Uses segmented regression to find breakpoints. Requires specifying n_breakpoints.

  • min & max: Selects clusters at minimum or maximum metric values.


Please note that finding the optimal number of clusters is a procedure which normally requires decisions from the users, and as such can hardly be fully automatized. Users are strongly advised to read the references indicated below to look for guidance on how to choose their optimal number(s) of clusters. Consider the "optimal" numbers of clusters returned by this function as first approximation of the best numbers for your bioregionalization.


Holt BG, Lessard J, Borregaard MK, Fritz SA, Araújo MB, Dimitrov D, Fabre P, Graham CH, Graves GR, Jønsson Ka, Nogués-Bravo D, Wang Z, Whittaker RJ, Fjeldså J & Rahbek C (2013) An update of Wallace's zoogeographic regions of the world. Science 339, 74-78.

Ficetola GF, Mazel F & Thuiller W (2017) Global determinants of zoogeographical boundaries. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0089.

See also

For more details illustrated with a practical example, see the vignette:

Associated functions: hclu_hierarclust


Boris Leroy (
Maxime Lenormand (
Pierre Denelle (


comat <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 500, replace = TRUE, prob = 1/1:1001),
20, 25)
rownames(comat) <- paste0("Site",1:20)
colnames(comat) <- paste0("Species",1:25)

dissim <- dissimilarity(comat, metric = "all")

# User-defined number of clusters
tree <- hclu_hierarclust(dissim,
                          optimal_tree_method = "best",
                          n_clust = 5:10)
#> Randomizing the dissimilarity matrix with 100 trials
#>  -- range of cophenetic correlation coefficients among trials: 0.755 - 0.7803
#> Final tree has a 0.7803 cophenetic correlation coefficient with the initial dissimilarity matrix
#> Determining the cut height to reach 5 groups...
#> --> 0.234375
#> Determining the cut height to reach 6 groups...
#> --> 0.21875
#> Determining the cut height to reach 7 groups...
#> --> 0.2109375
#> Determining the cut height to reach 8 groups...
#> --> 0.205078125
#> Determining the cut height to reach 9 groups...
#> --> 0.1875
#> Determining the cut height to reach 10 groups...
#> --> 0.1796875
#> Clustering results for algorithm : hclu_hierarclust 
#> 	(hierarchical clustering based on a dissimilarity matrix)
#>  - Number of sites:  20 
#>  - Name of dissimilarity metric:  Jaccard 
#>  - Tree construction method:  average 
#>  - Randomization of the dissimilarity matrix:  yes, number of trials 100 
#>  - Method to compute the final tree:  Tree with the best cophenetic correlation coefficient 
#>  - Cophenetic correlation coefficient:  0.78 
#>  - Number of clusters requested by the user:  5 
#> Clustering results:
#>  - Number of partitions:  6 
#>  - Partitions are hierarchical
#>  - Number of clusters:  5 6 7 8 9 10 
#>  - Height of cut of the hierarchical tree: 0.234 0.219 0.211 0.205 0.188 0.18 

a <- bioregionalization_metrics(tree,
                                dissimilarity = dissim,
                                species_col = "Node2",
                                site_col = "Node1",
                                eval_metric = "anosim")
#> Computing similarity-based metrics...
#>   - anosim OK
find_optimal_n(a, criterion = 'increasing_step', plot = FALSE)
#> Number of bioregionalizations: 6
#> ...Caveat: be cautious with the interpretation of metric analyses with such a low number of bioregionalizations
#> Searching for potential optimal number(s) of clusters based on the increasing_step method
#>  - Step method
#> Search for an optimal number of clusters:
#>  - 6  partition(s) evaluated
#>  - Range of clusters explored: from  5  to  10 
#>  - Evaluated metric(s):  anosim 
#> Potential optimal partition(s):
#>  - Criterion chosen to optimise the number of clusters:  increasing_step 
#>    (step quantile chosen:  0.99  (i.e., only the top 1 %  increase  in evaluation metrics  are used as break points for the number of clusters)
#>  - Optimal partition(s) of clusters for each metric:
#> anosim - 10