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This function performs non hierarchical clustering on the Affinity Propagation algorithm.


  index = names(similarity)[3],
  p = NA,
  q = NA,
  maxits = 1000,
  convits = 100,
  lam = 0.9,
  details = FALSE,
  nonoise = FALSE,
  seed = NULL,
  K = NULL,
  prc = NULL,
  bimaxit = NULL,
  exact = NULL,
  algorithm_in_output = TRUE



the output object from similarity() or dissimilarity_to_similarity(), or a dist object. If a data.frame is used, the first two columns represent pairs of sites (or any pair of nodes), and the next column(s) are the dissimilarity indices.


name or number of the similarity column to use. By default, the third column name of similarity is used.


input preference; can be a vector that specifies individual preferences for each data point. If scalar, the same value is used for all data points. If NA, exemplar preferences are initialized according to the distribution of non-Inf values in the similarity matrix. How this is done is controlled by the parameter q.


if p=NA, exemplar preferences are initialized according to the distribution of non-Inf values in the similarity matrix. If q=NA, exemplar preferences are set to the median of non-Inf values in the similarity matrix. If q is a value between 0 and 1, the sample quantile with threshold q is used, whereas q=0.5 again results in the median.


maximal number of iterations that should be executed


the algorithm terminates if the examplars have not changed for convits iterations


damping factor; should be a value in the range [0.5, 1); higher values correspond to heavy damping which may be needed if oscillations occur


if TRUE, more detailed information about the algorithm's progress is stored in the output object


small amount of noise added to the similarity object to prevent degenerate cases; disabled when set to TRUE.


seed of the random number generator.


desired number of clusters. If not null, then the function apcluster is called.


argument needed when K is not null. The algorithm stops if the number of clusters does not deviate more than prc percent from desired value K; set to 0 if you want to have exactly K clusters.


argument needed when K is not null. maximum number of bisection steps to perform; note that no warning is issued if the number of clusters is still not in the desired range.


flag indicating whether or not to compute the initial preference range exactly.


a boolean indicating if the original output of apcluster should be returned in the output (TRUE by default, see Value).


A list of class bioregion.clusters with five slots:

  1. name: character containing the name of the algorithm

  2. args: list of input arguments as provided by the user

  3. inputs: list of characteristics of the clustering process

  4. algorithm: list of all objects associated with the clustering procedure, such as original cluster objects

  5. clusters: data.frame containing the clustering results

In the algorithm slot, if algorithm_in_output = TRUE, users can find the output of apcluster.


Based on apcluster package (apcluster).



See also


Pierre Denelle (, Boris Leroy (, and Maxime Lenormand (


comat_1 <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 10*12, replace = TRUE,
prob = 1/1:1001), 10, 12)
rownames(comat_1) <- paste0("Site", 1:10)
colnames(comat_1) <- paste0("Species", 1:12)
comat_1 <- cbind(comat_1,
                 matrix(0, 10, 8,
                        dimnames = list(paste0("Site", 1:10),
                                        paste0("Species", 13:20))))

comat_2 <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 10*12, replace = TRUE,
                         prob = 1/1:1001), 10, 12)
rownames(comat_2) <- paste0("Site", 11:20)
colnames(comat_2) <- paste0("Species", 9:20)
comat_2 <- cbind(matrix(0, 10, 8,
                        dimnames = list(paste0("Site", 11:20),
                                        paste0("Species", 1:8))),

comat <- rbind(comat_1, comat_2)

dissim <- dissimilarity(comat, metric = "Simpson")
sim <- dissimilarity_to_similarity(dissim)

clust1 <- nhclu_affprop(sim)

clust2 <- nhclu_affprop(sim, q = 1)

# Fixed number of clusters
clust3 <- nhclu_affprop(sim, K = 2, prc = 10, bimaxit = 20, exact = FALSE)
#> Trying p = 0.9934053 
#>    Number of clusters: 1 
#> Trying p = 0.9967027 (bisection step no. 1 )
#>    Number of clusters: 1 
#> Trying p = 0.9983513 (bisection step no. 2 )
#>    Number of clusters: 1 
#> Trying p = 0.9991757 (bisection step no. 3 )
#>    Number of clusters: 1 
#> Trying p = 0.9995878 (bisection step no. 4 )
#>    Number of clusters: 2 
#> Number of clusters: 2 for p = 0.9995878