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In this vignette, we aim at evaluating the contribution of individual species to each bioregion, using the function contribution().


We use the vegetation dataset that comes with bioregion.


# Calculation of (dis)similarity matrices
vegedissim <- dissimilarity(vegemat, metric = c("Simpson"))
vegesim <- dissimilarity_to_similarity(vegedissim)


We use the same three bioregionalization algorithms as in the visualization vignette, i.e. a non-hierarchical, hierarchical and network bioregionalizations.
We chose 3 bioregions for the non-hierarchical and hierarchical bioregionalizations.

# Non hierarchical bioregionalization
vege_nhclu_kmeans <- nhclu_kmeans(vegedissim, n_clust = 3, index = "Simpson")
vege_nhclu_kmeans$cluster_info # 3
##     partition_name n_clust
## K_3            K_3       3
# Hierarchical bioregionalization
vege_hclu_hierarclust <- hclu_hierarclust(dissimilarity = vegedissim,
                                          index = names(vegedissim)[3],
                                          method = "mcquitty", n_clust = 3)
vege_hclu_hierarclust$cluster_info # 3
##   partition_name n_clust requested_n_clust output_cut_height
## 1            K_3       3                 3             0.625
# Network bioregionalization
vege_netclu_walktrap <- netclu_walktrap(vegesim,
                                        index = names(vegesim)[3])
vege_netclu_walktrap$cluster_info # 3
##     partition_name n_clust
## K_3            K_3       3


The contribution index ρ\rho is calculated for each species x bioregion combination, following (Lenormand et al., 2019).
Its formula is the following:

ρij=nijninjnnnjn1(1njn)ninjn\rho_{ij} = \frac{n_{ij} - \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}{\sqrt{\frac{n - n_j}{n-1} (1-\frac{n_j}{n}) \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}} with nn the number of sites, nin_i the number of sites in which species ii is present, njn_j the number of sites belonging to the bioregion jj, nijn_ij the number of occurrences of species ii in sites belonging to the bioregion jj.


We can now run the function contribution().

contrib_kmeans <- contribution(vege_nhclu_kmeans, vegemat,
                               indices = "contribution")
contrib_hclu <- contribution(vege_hclu_hierarclust, vegemat,
                             indices = "contribution")
contrib_netclu <- contribution(vege_netclu_walktrap, vegemat,
                               indices = "contribution")

contribution() produces a single data.frame output.

Lenormand, M., Papuga, G., Argagnon, O., Soubeyrand, M., Alleaume, S., & Luque, S. (2019). Biogeographical network analysis of plant species distribution in the mediterranean region. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 237–250.