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This function calculates metrics to assess the contribution of a given species or site to its bioregion.


  indices = c("rho"),
  net = NULL,
  site_col = 1,
  species_col = 2



A bioregion.clusters object.


A co-occurrence matrix with sites as rows and species as columns.


A character specifying the contribution metric to compute. Available options are rho, affinity, fidelity, indicator_value and Cz.


NULL by default. Required for Cz indices. A data.frame where each row represents an interaction between two nodes and an optional third column indicating the interaction's weight.


A number indicating the position of the column containing the sites in net. 1 by default.


A number indicating the position of the column containing the species in net. 2 by default.


A data.frame with columns Bioregion, Species, and the desired summary statistics, or a list of data.frames if Cz and other indices are selected.


The \(\rho\) metric is derived from Lenormand et al. (2019) with the following formula:

\(\rho_{ij} = \frac{n_{ij} - \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}{\sqrt{\left(\frac{n - n_j}{ n-1}\right) \left(1-\frac{n_j}{n}\right) \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}}\)

where \(n\) is the number of sites, \(n_i\) is the number of sites in which species \(i\) is present, \(n_j\) is the number of sites in bioregion \(j\), and \(n_{ij}\) is the number of occurrences of species \(i\) in sites of bioregion \(j\).

Affinity \(A\), fidelity \(F\), and individual contributions \(IndVal\) describe how species are linked to their bioregions. These metrics are described in Bernardo-Madrid et al. (2019):

  • Affinity of species to their region: \(A_i = \frac{R_i}{Z}\), where \(R_i\) is the occurrence/range size of species \(i\) in its associated bioregion, and \(Z\) is the total size (number of sites) of the bioregion. High affinity indicates that the species occupies most sites in its bioregion.

  • Fidelity of species to their region: \(F_i = \frac{R_i}{D_i}\), where \(R_i\) is the occurrence/range size of species \(i\) in its bioregion, and \(D_i\) is its total range size. High fidelity indicates that the species is not present in other regions.

  • Indicator Value of species: \(IndVal = F_i \cdot A_i\).

Cz metrics are derived from Guimerà & Amaral (2005):

  • Participation coefficient: \(C_i = 1 - \sum_{s=1}^{N_M}{\left(\frac{k_{is}}{k_i}\right)^2}\), where \(k_{is}\) is the number of links of node \(i\) to nodes in bioregion \(s\), and \(k_i\) is the total degree of node \(i\). A high value means links are uniformly distributed; a low value means links are within the node's bioregion.

  • Within-bioregion degree z-score: \(z_i = \frac{k_i - \overline{k_{si}}}{\sigma_{k_{si}}}\), where \(k_i\) is the number of links of node \(i\) to nodes in its bioregion \(s_i\), \(\overline{k_{si}}\) is the average degree of nodes in \(s_i\), and \(\sigma_{k_{si}}\) is the standard deviation of degrees in \(s_i\).


Bernardo-Madrid R, Calatayud J, González‐Suárez M, Rosvall M, Lucas P, Antonelli A & Revilla E (2019) Human activity is altering the world’s zoogeographical regions. Ecology Letters 22, 1297–1305.

Guimerà R & Amaral LAN (2005) Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks. Nature 433, 895–900.

Lenormand M, Papuga G, Argagnon O, Soubeyrand M, Alleaume S & Luque S (2019) Biogeographical network analysis of plant species distribution in the Mediterranean region. Ecology and Evolution 9, 237–250.

See also

For more details illustrated with a practical example, see the vignette:

Associated functions: bioregion_metrics bioregionalization_metrics


Pierre Denelle (
Boris Leroy (
Maxime Lenormand (


comat <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 500, replace = TRUE, prob = 1/1:1001),
                20, 25)
rownames(comat) <- paste0("Site",1:20)
colnames(comat) <- paste0("Species",1:25)

dissim <- dissimilarity(comat, metric = "Simpson")
clust1 <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, n_clust = 3, index = "Simpson")

net <- similarity(comat, metric = "Simpson")
com <- netclu_greedy(net)

site_species_metrics(cluster_object = clust1, comat = comat,
indices = "rho")
#>    Bioregion   Species         rho
#> 1          2  Species1  273.693082
#> 2          2  Species2  899.748523
#> 3          2  Species3  371.859306
#> 4          2  Species4 1365.500801
#> 5          2  Species5   -1.174174
#> 6          2  Species6   64.473189
#> 7          2  Species7  694.190225
#> 8          2  Species8  730.567543
#> 9          2  Species9  644.616165
#> 10         2 Species10   76.457053
#> 11         2 Species11   29.997506
#> 12         2 Species12  169.396488
#> 13         2 Species13  569.593065
#> 14         2 Species14  390.926899
#> 15         2 Species15  173.526353
#> 16         2 Species16  533.042279
#> 17         2 Species17  646.098176
#> 18         2 Species18  203.500027
#> 19         2 Species19  523.176834
#> 20         2 Species20  578.721112
#> 21         2 Species21  161.542489
#> 22         2 Species22   24.323280
#> 23         2 Species23  283.777904
#> 24         2 Species24  204.637832
#> 25         2 Species25  492.896334
#> 26         1  Species1  710.416933
#> 27         1  Species2  257.659360
#> 28         1  Species3  452.195405
#> 29         1  Species4  143.333278
#> 30         1  Species5  100.641349
#> 31         1  Species6  189.047062
#> 32         1  Species7   -1.412029
#> 33         1  Species8    1.079787
#> 34         1  Species9  147.029853
#> 35         1 Species10    1.775848
#> 36         1 Species11  319.693360
#> 37         1 Species12   94.191000
#> 38         1 Species13  612.828903
#> 39         1 Species14  135.214530
#> 40         1 Species15  109.941118
#> 41         1 Species16   50.208058
#> 42         1 Species17   -1.412029
#> 43         1 Species18  384.762174
#> 44         1 Species19  859.079585
#> 45         1 Species20  313.562574
#> 46         1 Species21   -1.452966
#> 47         1 Species22  879.220605
#> 48         1 Species23  157.566125
#> 49         1 Species24  279.332649
#> 50         1 Species25   60.701704
#> 51         3  Species1  803.244206
#> 52         3  Species2  705.280336
#> 53         3  Species3  893.612133
#> 54         3  Species4  594.908251
#> 55         3  Species5 1727.032086
#> 56         3  Species6 1701.066175
#> 57         3  Species7 2763.288247
#> 58         3  Species8 1765.336668
#> 59         3  Species9 1096.622882
#> 60         3 Species10  812.051118
#> 61         3 Species11 1815.420605
#> 62         3 Species12 1031.908767
#> 63         3 Species13 1233.944002
#> 64         3 Species14 1324.008505
#> 65         3 Species15 1200.578132
#> 66         3 Species16 1378.529437
#> 67         3 Species17 1483.041497
#> 68         3 Species18 1676.220533
#> 69         3 Species19  717.548848
#> 70         3 Species20 1288.645801
#> 71         3 Species21 1424.500190
#> 72         3 Species22  527.648980
#> 73         3 Species23  556.987582
#> 74         3 Species24 1592.144766
#> 75         3 Species25  947.738988

# Contribution metrics
site_species_metrics(cluster_object = com, comat = comat,
indices = c("rho", "affinity", "fidelity", "indicator_value"))
#>    Bioregion   Species           rho  affinity     fidelity       indval
#> 1          1  Species1  1.139845e+04 124.52632 139.17647059 1.733113e+04
#> 2          1  Species2  1.087012e+04 122.26316 129.05555556 1.577874e+04
#> 3          1  Species3  9.215487e+03 103.78947 109.55555556 1.137071e+04
#> 4          1  Species4  1.027192e+04 101.84211 138.21428571 1.407603e+04
#> 5          1  Species5  1.156202e+04 106.00000 167.83333333 1.779033e+04
#> 6          1  Species6  1.235504e+04 138.84211 146.55555556 2.034808e+04
#> 7          1  Species7  2.038682e+04 222.05263 248.17647059 5.510824e+04
#> 8          1  Species8  1.692341e+04 184.47368 206.17647059 3.803413e+04
#> 9          1  Species9  1.286634e+04 152.42105 144.80000000 2.207057e+04
#> 10         1 Species10  5.727094e+03  64.84211  68.44444444 4.438082e+03
#> 11         1 Species11  1.364900e+04 144.47368 171.56250000 2.478627e+04
#> 12         1 Species12  8.434448e+03 100.26316  95.25000000 9.550066e+03
#> 13         1 Species13  1.590943e+04 178.52632 188.44444444 3.364229e+04
#> 14         1 Species14  1.228269e+04 141.84211 141.84210526 2.011918e+04
#> 15         1 Species15  8.979785e+03 101.15789 106.77777778 1.080142e+04
#> 16         1 Species16  1.323185e+04 148.63158 156.88888889 2.331864e+04
#> 17         1 Species17  1.433313e+04 156.36842 174.76470588 2.732768e+04
#> 18         1 Species18  1.450900e+04 153.52632 182.31250000 2.798977e+04
#> 19         1 Species19  1.369900e+04 145.00000 172.18750000 2.496719e+04
#> 20         1 Species20  1.458143e+04 168.21053 168.21052632 2.829478e+04
#> 21         1 Species21  1.021958e+04 115.00000 121.38888889 1.395972e+04
#> 22         1 Species22  8.620244e+03  85.57895 116.14285714 9.939383e+03
#> 23         1 Species23  5.925083e+03  67.05263  70.77777778 4.745836e+03
#> 24         1 Species24  1.194173e+04 130.42105 145.76470588 1.901079e+04
#> 25         1 Species25  1.021958e+04 115.00000 121.38888889 1.395972e+04
#> 26         2  Species1  2.392584e+00   3.00000   0.17647059 5.294118e-01
#> 27         2  Species2  5.040760e+02 467.00000  25.94444444 1.211606e+04
#> 28         2  Species3  4.662244e+02 432.00000  24.00000000 1.036800e+04
#> 29         2  Species4  1.167785e+03 953.00000  68.07142857 6.487207e+04
#> 30         2  Species5 -7.947194e-01   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 31         2  Species6  1.633029e+01  16.00000   0.88888889 1.422222e+01
#> 32         2  Species7  6.044335e+02 544.00000  32.00000000 1.740800e+04
#> 33         2  Species8  1.240805e+01  12.00000   0.70588235 8.470588e+00
#> 34         2  Species9  8.207827e+00   9.00000   0.45000000 4.050000e+00
#> 35         2 Species10  1.092291e+01  11.00000   0.61111111 6.722222e+00
#> 36         2 Species11 -9.176629e-01   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 37         2 Species12  2.051957e+00   3.00000   0.15000000 4.500000e-01
#> 38         2 Species13 -9.733285e-01   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 39         2 Species14  5.263158e-02   1.00000   0.05263158 5.263158e-02
#> 40         2 Species15  1.515148e+02 141.00000   7.83333333 1.104500e+03
#> 41         2 Species16  4.434052e+00   5.00000   0.27777778 1.388889e+00
#> 42         2 Species17  3.911597e+01  36.00000   2.11764706 7.623529e+01
#> 43         2 Species18 -9.176629e-01   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 44         2 Species19 -9.176629e-01   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 45         2 Species20 -1.000000e+00   0.00000   0.00000000 0.000000e+00
#> 46         2 Species21  2.281915e+01  22.00000   1.22222222 2.688889e+01
#> 47         2 Species22  1.385695e+01  12.00000   0.85714286 1.028571e+01
#> 48         2 Species23  1.763888e+02 164.00000   9.11111111 1.494222e+03
#> 49         2 Species24  3.262260e+02 294.00000  17.29411765 5.084471e+03
#> 50         2 Species25  8.759957e+00   9.00000   0.50000000 4.500000e+00

# Cz indices
net_bip <- mat_to_net(comat, weight = TRUE)
clust_bip <- netclu_greedy(net_bip, bipartite = TRUE)
site_species_metrics(cluster_object = clust_bip, comat = comat, 
net = net_bip, indices = "Cz")
#>         Node Bioregion Category         C          z
#> 1      Site1         3     site 0.8050000  1.0954451
#> 2      Site2         1     site 0.8208617  0.7046643
#> 3      Site3         2     site 0.8128544 -1.2421180
#> 4      Site4         4     site 0.8199446  1.0223973
#> 5      Site5         6     site 0.8194444 -0.8017837
#> 6      Site6         2     site 0.8052930  0.2070197
#> 7      Site7         1     site 0.8088643 -0.1761661
#> 8      Site8         5     site 0.8128544 -0.3333333
#> 9      Site9         2     site 0.8181818  0.2070197
#> 10    Site10         6     site 0.8229167 -0.8017837
#> 11    Site11         1     site 0.8140496  1.5854946
#> 12    Site12         5     site 0.8200000  1.1666667
#> 13    Site13         1     site 0.8117914  1.5854946
#> 14    Site14         5     site 0.8166352  1.1666667
#> 15    Site15         3     site 0.8128544  1.0954451
#> 16    Site16         2     site 0.8125000 -1.2421180
#> 17    Site17         5     site 0.8099174  1.1666667
#> 18    Site18         6     site 0.8181818 -0.8017837
#> 19    Site19         4     site 0.8033241  1.7380754
#> 20    Site20         6     site 0.7958478 -0.8017837
#> 21  Species2         4  species 0.8209877 -0.4089589
#> 22  Species3         1  species 0.8209877 -0.1761661
#> 23  Species4         1  species 0.7959184 -0.1761661
#> 24  Species6         2  species 0.8086420  0.2070197
#> 25  Species7         6  species 0.8096886  1.0690450
#> 26  Species8         3  species 0.8235294 -0.7302967
#> 27  Species9         1  species 0.8200000 -0.1761661
#> 28 Species12         5  species 0.8200000 -0.3333333
#> 29 Species13         1  species 0.8209877 -1.0569964
#> 30 Species14         6  species 0.8199446  1.0690450
#> 31 Species15         3  species 0.8086420 -0.7302967
#> 32 Species16         5  species 0.7901235 -0.3333333
#> 33 Species17         1  species 0.8096886 -1.0569964
#> 34 Species18         5  species 0.7890625 -0.3333333
#> 35 Species19         1  species 0.8125000 -1.0569964
#> 36 Species20         3  species 0.8199446 -0.7302967
#> 37 Species21         5  species 0.8086420 -0.3333333
#> 38 Species22         4  species 0.7959184 -1.1246370
#> 39 Species24         2  species 0.8166090  1.6561573
#> 40 Species25         4  species 0.8209877 -0.4089589
#> 41  Species1         4  species 0.8096886 -0.4089589
#> 42  Species5         2  species 0.7777778  0.2070197
#> 43 Species10         5  species 0.8086420 -1.8333333
#> 44 Species11         6  species 0.8046875  1.0690450
#> 45 Species23         4  species 0.8086420 -0.4089589