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This function calculates the number of sites per bioregion, as well as the number of species these sites have, the number of endemic species, and the proportion of endemism.


bioregion_metrics(cluster_object, comat, map = NULL, col_bioregion = NULL)



A bioregion.clusters object.


A co-occurrence matrix with sites as rows and species as columns.


A spatial sf data.frame with sites and bioregions. It is the output of the function map_bioregions. NULL by default.


An integer specifying the column position of the bioregion.


A data.frame with 5 columns, or 6 if spatial coherence is computed.


Endemic species are species found only in the sites belonging to one bioregion.

See also

For more details illustrated with a practical example, see the vignette:

Associated functions: site_species_metrics bioregionalization_metrics


Pierre Denelle (
Boris Leroy (
Maxime Lenormand (


comat_1 <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 10*12, replace = TRUE,
prob = 1/1:1001), 10, 12)
rownames(comat_1) <- paste0("Site", 1:10)
colnames(comat_1) <- paste0("Species", 1:12)
comat_1 <- cbind(comat_1,
                 matrix(0, 10, 8,
                        dimnames = list(paste0("Site", 1:10),
                                        paste0("Species", 13:20))))

comat_2 <- matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 10*12, replace = TRUE,
                         prob = 1/1:1001), 10, 12)
rownames(comat_2) <- paste0("Site", 11:20)
colnames(comat_2) <- paste0("Species", 9:20)
comat_2 <- cbind(matrix(0, 10, 8,
                        dimnames = list(paste0("Site", 11:20),
                                        paste0("Species", 1:8))),

comat <- rbind(comat_1, comat_2)

dissim <- dissimilarity(comat, metric = "Simpson")
clust1 <- nhclu_kmeans(dissim, n_clust = 3, index = "Simpson")

net <- similarity(comat, metric = "Simpson")
com <- netclu_greedy(net)

bioregion_metrics(cluster_object = clust1, comat = comat) 
#>   Bioregion Site_number Species_number Endemics Percentage_Endemic
#> 1         2          10             12        8           66.66667
#> 2         1           8             12        0            0.00000
#> 3         3           2             11        0            0.00000

# Spatial coherence
vegedissim <- dissimilarity(vegemat)
hclu <- nhclu_kmeans(dissimilarity = vegedissim, n_clust = 4)
vegemap <- map_bioregions(hclu, vegesf, write_clusters = TRUE, plot = FALSE)

bioregion_metrics(cluster_object = hclu, comat = vegemat, map = vegemap,
col_bioregion = 2) 
#>   Bioregion Site_number Species_number Endemics Percentage_Endemic Coherence
#> 1         2         128           2527       90           3.561535  49.21875
#> 2         4         169           2983       45           1.508548  56.21302
#> 3         3         298           2936       56           1.907357  98.99329
#> 4         1         120           2262       67           2.961981  79.16667